aiding refugees & immigrants

Since the February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation under its current President, Vladimir Putin, more than  9 million citizens of Ukraine have become refugees, about 1/3 of whom are native Russian speakers, with as many as 1.5 million moved into Russia, unable to flee to the west, due restrictions placed on free passage out of the combat zones.  Those Russian-speaking Ukrainians, without close relatives in Russia, are being resettled by Russian authorities as far east as Vladivostok and as far north as Murmansk.  Many who have survived the Russian “filtration” process are seeking to get out of Russia to Georgia or the European Union, and back to the non-occupied regions of Ukraine with the hope of resuming a normal life.


All of the refugees and exiles who fled Ukraine and Russia left as quickly as they could with little more than the clothes on their backs, perhaps a suitcase, and mostly without access to cash, never expecting their worlds to be turned upside down on the whims of one man, holding increasingly dictatorial power since 2000.  

Most of the refugees have lost almost everything. Nobody was prepared to exist in new conditions in unfamiliar cultures indefinitely.

The primary goal of Dissidenty.org  is to help as many of them we can, in as many countries as we can, as fast as we can, with your help.  

Our secondary goal is foster a new generation of leadership in the Russian Federation, to allow for its peaceful participation on the world stage and long-term domestic prosperity.

To achieve our goals, we need your generosity and support.